Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Are They Really Your Friends?

This week's post is once again based on this week's episode of "The Real Housewives of New York." I don't care what you say, I like watching it! I find it funny how people like to complain about what you watch on television in your own home, but heaven forbid you say anything about what they are watching.

Actually, that is what this week's episode was about. Once again Jill and Bethany can't seem to make up. Everyone around them has been brought into their drama and everyone has an opinion on how they should proceed. Before you say anything, I know it is staged, it's all about the ratings.

I do think there are real issues at the core and their true personalities will come out whether they like it or not. I find it very sad to see how quickly friendships are thrown away. I don't care how they justify it. Yes they are both hurt, even more reason to take a breath and listen. It doesn't help having everyone around them giving their opinions.

I find this to be so true in all of our lives. When life gets hard we all pull back from the ones we love. Too many times those that we love take that as a sign that we are mad. Pretty soon everyone is mad and not talking. Why is it so hard for someone to pick up the telephone and make the first call?

I think this week we should all call someone and tell them how much they mean to us. Pick someone you haven't spoken with in a long time.

Enjoy your week,
Oviedo Chicks

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