Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Memorial Day Tribute

I am so proud of the people in my family that have served our Country!

Joining the Air Force was not a hard decision for me. All I had to do was look at the men in my family that served before me. I loved hearing their stories and patriotic songs have always given me goosebumps. I love this country and would do anything to help make it better.

It saddens me to see how many people don't share that feeling today. I don't know what has happened but, it seems easier for people to bad mouth our country rather than stand up for it. This is our home, where we are raising our children, and carrying on our family legacies.

I think it's time we stand up and yell at the top of our lungs "I'M A PROUD AMERICAN!" Once you do that, find out what it will take to get involved in your local government. You would be surprised to know just how much influence you can have.

Happy Memorial Day!


Oviedo Chicks

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