Friday, May 27, 2011

Where O' Where To Film??

This week the Oviedo Chicks were asked to start filming our show at the local mall. This could be a great thing for us, or it could take away all of the "homemade" charm that our show has to offer.

We have heard time and time again that people love coming over and sitting on our red couch for their interview. Our guests really seem to open up and talk on a more personal level when we film at the house.

If we move to the mall we'll certainly be getting a lot more exposure. Mall walkers and shoppers will be able to stop and listen to our interviews and our guests will be able to hand out their information to passer-bys.

So, are we selling out if we decide to move the show to local mall?

We would love to hear your thoughts!

Please watch our show at

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