Monday, July 11, 2011

Hometown Food Truck Bazaar

Yesterday my husband and I went to a Food Truck Bazaar at the Oviedo Marketplace. They had all of your favorite "fair" food vendors lined up ready to serve, without the "fair" rides. My husband was in heaven!

When we arrived the skies opened up with rain, thunder and some of the worst lightening I have seen in this area in a long time. That didn't stop the men from leaving the safety of their cars (with their wives still sitting in car) and rushing the food vendors. Some of them were actually running a little. It's like they were given some kind of pass to eat badly. I'm not saying the food wasn't healthy, I'm just saying it was served from a truck in a mall parking lot.

Once the rain let up and lightening stopped, I ventured out to see just what all this hype was about. I was happy to see how many other wives and kids had joined their husbands. As I looked around I saw families having a great time just as though they were at the fair.

So, if you want dad to join the family and have a good time take him to a food truck bazaar. Everyone in the family can eat what they like, you'll have time to visit with your friends, the kids can run around and play, and dad, well he eat until he's happy!

Don't forget to visit the Oviedo Chicks website and watch this month's videos and enter to win a couple of prizes while you're there.

Your Friend,

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