Friday, January 7, 2011

Try This Great De-Clutter Trick!

Grab a trash bag and do a 27 fling Boogie. Anywhere. Run through the house and pick one thing from each room and do it all over again until you have gathered 27. Don't look back. 27 things to throw away. 27 things that you just don't need, use or love. It can be 27 pieces of junk mail! we don't care - just DO IT NOW! Remember to recycle when you can!

Here is an additional challenge; Do a 27 Fling Boogie of things to give away!! Don't hold onto to things because they are "too good" to throw away. If you don't love it, need it or use it, Bless someone else with it! Grab a bag or small box and walk through the house and just toss these things that you have been meaning to get to. Take the bag or box out to the car immediately to drop off at Good Will or Salvation Army or whatever drop off location you know of.

compliments of

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